There will be bread
Working with passionate, talented people is a privilege. When they are kind-hearted, too, it transforms the engagement into something else entirely. That was the case when we suggested to Chef Harry that we work together to bring his food brand to life.
Fearlessly simple
No two design projects are the same and don’t let agencies tell you they are. Each business has distinctly different needs and at Pocknell_Baird it’s our role to discover what those needs are and design solutions to meet them.
Values led
We were introduced to Riverhouse Partners (RHP) by our good friend, copywriter and longtime collaborator Des. Des had completed an extensive re-write of the company’s marketing materials, pitch deck and website following the change of ownership of the business.
The power of play
I’ve known Lander, one of Kinjugo’s co-founders since I was eight years old. We’ve been through two schools together, travelled together and recently lost our fathers months apart from one another.
There is a certain stigma attached to software for the healthcare sector. We’ve all read headlines decrying the waste of time and money and that’s not counting those citing concerns over data protection. We were curious to hear how Salutare would be different.
Protecting every day
Like many who have served their country, Allied are a humble bunch. Quick to downplay their role in a situation, and even quicker to acknowledge and credit the team.
Mining. Naturally.
Phyona is a spin-out business from Brunel University. Scientists at Brunel identified that it was possible to harness the unique qualities of specific plant species to remove nano-particles of precious metals from contaminated soil.
Jam today innovation
We’ve known and collaborated with Jim and Simon, the founders of Impeller, for many years. When they challenged us to create an identity for their new business, it came with a caveat.
Nurture & Nourish
Brothers Liam and Ellis Barrie took over the family campsite cafe on the island of Anglesey to help out their parents. Tapping into a network of local produce suppliers, they transformed the cafe from little more than a greasy spoon into a destination for diners seeking an exceptional food experience in just twelve months.
Beauty in data
A privately owned company founded in 1985, STR’s presence had expanded to 15 countries, with corporate North American headquarters in Hendersonville, Tennessee, international headquarters in London, England, and Asia Pacific headquarters in Singapore.